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Gail DeMasi

Saying Goodbye

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It is a funny thing, raising dogs and reaching a point where it is kinder to find a loving home for a good and faithful friend than to "put out to pasture." True, we have a lovely pasture and it is still home...but a retired dog, who has been a wonderful mother to many beautiful pups, deserves better. This is Lander. She is one of the best dogs we have ever owned. Her personality is over the top friendly, dedicated, and easy. She is terribly smart, and only got into trouble on occasion when she left the door open...(could have at least closed it, it was so cold!) Anyway, it is bittersweet to say goodbye to my lovely Lander, who has been with us since she was a little puppy. The good news: she is going to live with one of her own kin, Dublin...and of course his family. They are looking forward to loving her until her natural end. And so, saying goodbye becomes a welcome hello.

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